What to Bring

What to Bring

During the winter, warmer clothing is necessary because the weather in Minnesota can sometimes be below zero Fahrenheit (below -20 Celsius) in mid-winter. It would be wise to purchase warmer clothing in early September, depending on your tolerance for the cold. In the fall and spring, jackets and sweaters can keep you warm. A raincoat and/or umbrella could be useful during the rainy days. In the summer this part of the country becomes quite humid. 

Cost of each item varies widely from store to store so it is beneficial to shop around before purchasing. Also, very good used clothing is often available at much reduced costs. Here are some items to keep in mind while packing:

  • Pants
  • Warm socks
  • Cloths that you can layer (long sleeve shirts, t-shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, etc.)
  • Footwear (boots, sneakers)
  • You may be asked to “dress-up” for a class presentation. Make sure to bring a couple “nicer” options (skirt/dress/pants, button-up dress shirts).
  • Toothbrush/toothpaste
  • Hair care products (shampoo, conditioner, hair brush any hair styling products)
  • Skin care (lotion, soap)
  • Laptop (this is required by the institution)

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