University of Northwestern
Lost and Found
The Lost and Found is located in the UNW Ticket Office in Totino Fine Arts Center.
Our phone number is 651-631-5151.
- Please look through pictures of items in Lost & Found by clicking a category below. If you believe you have found an item that is yours, click on the "Lost & Found | Lost Item Form", which is a circular image. Please describe the item with as much detail as possible. Once you have submitted a request, a Ticket Agent will reach out to you to set up a time to come to the Ticket Office to pick up/look at an item.
- If you do not see the item you are looking for, please fill out the "Lost and Found | Lost Item Form" with a description of the item. Many times there is a lag between when items are lost and when they are found and brought to the Ticket Office.
- Note: Not all items found will be listed on this site. Found items with a high value will not be listed. Please contact the Ticket Office | Lost and Found by submitting the "Lost & Found | Lost Item Form". Click circular image below.
- Pictures will be updated a least one time per week at minimum.
- Items not claimed within 30 days will be set out at tables several times throughout the year.
- Please bring the item to the Ticket Office and place on counter. Ticket Agents will move items throughout the day from the counter.
- If you have found an item with a higher value, please click on the "Lost & Found | Lost Item Form" below to schedule a time to drop off item to a Ticket Agent or call 651-631-5151.