Week of Prayer and Service

Week of Prayer and Service

APRIL 24-28, 2023


CLICK HERE to signup for a service project. 


CLICK HERE for information about prayer experiences.


Each spring, it has been a long-standing tradition to unite the Northwestern Community for a day of prayer and service. In recent years, we expanded this emphasis on prayer and service over the course of a whole week, with the purpose of fostering a lifestyle of corporate prayer and service. 

This spring, the Week of Prayer and Service (WPS) is happening April 24-28. Thursday, April 27th is a special day set aside with no classes, in order for staff, faculty, and students to devote the day to praying and serving together. We are excited to announce plans for this cherished week.

Among other service opportunities on Thursday, April 27th, Northwestern will be partnering with the organization, Jesus Food to host a large-scale food packing day right here on campus in the Erickson Gym! Be sure and check out all the meal packing times and other service opportunities. And gather your friends, classmates, teammates, roommates, or colleagues and plan to sign up.  

Registrations are open! Click HERE.

More information about The Week of Prayer and Service, including planned prayer activities and resources will be coming soon.  In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email wps@unwsp.edu 

We are so grateful to be partnered together for God’s Kingdom here at Northwestern and we look forward to all the Lord will do in and through the Week of Prayer and Service 2023! 

With expectancy, 

~The WPS Planning Committee 


Monday 4/24

Main Chapel: Interview with Justin Jeppeson

National Director of the 6:3 Discipleship

Adjunct Faculty (Dept. of Biblical and Theological Studies)

10:30-11:10 AM

Focus: Prayer


Tuesday 4/25

Fresh Encounters Prayer Chapel

Special OUTDOOR service on The Island

9:55-10:35 AM


Wednesday 4/26

Main Chapel: Interview with Rose Larson

Missional Life Pastor, Church of the Open Door

Missional-neighbor with Settled, which champions a community-first approach to the problem of chronic homelessness.

10:30-11:10 AM

Focus: Service


Thursday 4/27

Day of Prayer and Service 

  • No classes
  • Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to participate.
  • Service projects and prayer activities throughout the day.
  • CLICK HERE to signup for a service project  


Friday 4/28

WPS Celebration Praise Chapel

Friday: 10:30-11:10 AM

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