What is NOT a UNW-sponsored trip?

What is NOT a UNW-sponsored trip?

The UNW Travel App is not used to track these trips.

Due to Liability Insurance limitations, minors will not be permitted to participate in UNW-sponsored international trips. Also, to help ensure the safety of our staff and students, a Background Check will be required of all non-UNW trip participants prior to securing any travel arrangements. (Be sure to seek their permission in advance.)

Non-UNW Sponsored Trip

If any of the following options below are true then the trip would be considered a Non-UNW Sponsored Trip.

  • NO trip expenses will be paid by UNW or funds set aside by UNW for professional development, grants, or a UNW-organized fundraising event
  • Participating students will NOT receive UNW credit on their transcript
  • UNW is NOT involved in advertising the trip
  • UNW employees may be leading the trip, but it is organized by an outside company – and the UNW employees are NOT using their UNW email or letterhead when communicating about the trip
  • The trip is NOT endorsed by UNW
  • The Trip Leader is NOT under contract by UNW while leading the trip.

Non-UNW Sponsored Trip Information:

Since there may be confusion surrounding who is responsible for trip expenses and liability issues, particularly if a UNW employee is leading a Non-UNW-Sponsored Trip, it is essential that a signed Waiver for Non-UNW-Sponsored Event is received from each participant PRIOR to securing any travel arrangements.

Forward scanned copies to riskmanagement@unwsp.edu.

Waiver for Non-UNW-Sponsored Event

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