If your lesson is an introductory lesson to a new unit, it is still necessary to describe what preceded this lesson and how students performed as this information will guide the decisions you make about content, activities, grouping, and further assessment.
Sources Used: (These probably need to go with the full list of resources and not here.)
Dean, C.; Hubbell, R.; Pitler, H.; & Stone, B. (2012). Classroom instruction that works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement. 2nd ed. ASCD.
Marzano, R. (2013). Art and science of teaching- Targets, objectives, standards: How do they fit? Educational Leadership, 70(8). Retrieved from
Seidle, T., Rimmele, R., & Prenzel, M. (2005). Clarity and coherence of lesson goals as a scaffold for student learning. Learning and Instruction, 15, 539–556.
Transform the objective into a learner-friendly/"I Can" statement: