Section 2: Pre-Instructional Planning
Section 2: Pre-Instructional Planning
Section 2: Pre-Instructional Planning
In Section 2, the following topics are addressed:
2.1 Pre-Instructional Planning
2.2 Context of Learning/Knowledge of Learners to Inform Teaching
2.3 Central Focus and Alignment
2.4 Assessment & Feedback
2.5 Academic Language and Support
2.6 Expectations for Learner Behavior
2.7 Materials & Special Arrangements
2.8 Theories and/or Research-Based Best Practices Related to Subject-Specific Pedagogy
2.9 References (APA)
2.10 Teacher Skill Focus for this Lesson: (Also note how you plan to collect feedback.)
Please click on the appropriate link on the left to access guidance in these areas.