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  • Step 1 - Write a basic statement about what the students are to learn (i.e. the learning outcome).
  • Don’t worry about having all the components or the exact wording for an objective; simply try to be clear about the intended learning outcome. Base the statement on the goal and standards.
  • Step 2 – Formulate the statement using a behavioral action verb.
  • Based on step 1, select a behavioral verb and write a statement that describes the observable performance, behavior, or action you expect to see as evidence demonstrating that the student has learned what was intended. In some cases you may use more than one verb. You may formulate several trial statements using different verbs. If the learning outcome is complex or has multiple components, you may need to write several statements to communicate it clearly. Take care in choosing verbs that represent things that are observable through some means.
  • Step 3 – Add specific conditions.  Using your previous statements, add a description of the specific conditions under which the action is to take place.  These conditions should relate to the initiation of the intended behavior or action.
  • Step 4 – Add the criteria for the performance .In some cases your criteria might be for the student to accomplish the task “perfectly.” In other cases, your criteria might involve the student making progress over a previous level of accomplishment.  Work on revising the wording to communicate the intent in a clear and precise manner. Seek feedback from a peer or an instructor.  Establish the criteria indicating how well the student must do to demonstrate successful learning. Think about how you can describe the level of performance that indicates when the objective has been met. In some cases your criteria might be for the student to accomplish the task "perfectly."  In other cases, your criteria might involve the student making progress over a previous level of accomplishment.
