Update Your Picture

Update Your Picture


Your user profile picture in the course site identifies you for your classmates and instructor. If you had an ID photo taken by campus Public Safety, this photo will automatically become your profile picture.  If you do not have an ID photo or would like to change your photo, you can upload your own.  This article explains how to update your picture.

Access Your Profile

  1. Log into Moodle.

  2. On the upper right side click the drop down arrow next to your profile picture and then select Profile from the additional options.

  3. Under User details, select the Edit ProfileYou have the option to enter a variety of information.  The instructions below specifically address how to upload your picture.

Upload your Picture

Follow the Moodle Profile Photo Policy referenced below.  If you need to crop your photo, be sure to do so before uploading.

  1. Scroll down until you come across the heading User Picture. 
    1. One way to add your new picture is to drag and drop it into the file area.
    2. Another way is to click the Add icon.

    3. Click Choose File, and select the picture file you want to upload from your computer. Then click Upload this file.

Questions or Feedback

If you have any additional questions, or if you have feedback about this article, please contact Academic Technology.


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