Northwestern Abbreviations, Terms and Nicknames

Northwestern Abbreviations, Terms and Nicknames

UNW University of Northwestern-St. Paul 
Academic Schedule 
T,TRDesignates a class meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays
MWFDesignates a class meeting on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
TBA The class time/location, etc. is To Be Announced
FacultyProfessors at the University 
StaffAn employee who works for the University 
GPA Grade Point Average 
Residence Life 
The Nest The Eagle's Nest, located below the Student Center; a place where students eat and hang out
RDResident Director, a full-time staff person who supervises residences, RAs and ARDs
RAResident Assistant - student leader responsible for a floor in the residences
ARDAssistant Resident Director—student leader of RAs who reports to the RD
Campus Locations 
Guard Shack The checkpoint located at the entrance of the university
The Island A small island located beyond the flag pole (over the walking bridge). Students can swim, play sand volleyball, etc.
WaterfrontLocated by the island, a place where students can rent equipment to go canoeing
MCYour mailbox number in the campus Mail Center
The Billy Billy Graham Community Life Commons
The Stud Robertson Student Center (center of the main dorms)
The Green The large open lawn at the center of the academic campus
DSO Designated School Official, responsible for processing all immigration paperwork for international students.
Academic Advisor  Assists students with course selections
Major A student’s chosen primary academic focus
Minor A student’s secondary academic focus
theROCK Relevant Online Community Knowledge—campus community members online information portal
MoodleOnline course site for all courses at UNW
Half Semester Half semester
FORCE Friends of Reconciling Cultures Everywhere
The Shuttle Van/Bus service around campus and to certain locations in the area 

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