Section 11 Minimum Grade Requirements

Section 11 Minimum Grade Requirements

11 Minimum Grade Requirements

All teacher education programs require completion of the education core as well as required major courses. Enrollment in upper level education courses requires formal admission to a teacher education program. Minimum grades in professional courses are required in all programs. Courses with program admission requirements and minimum grade requirements are summarized on the following pages and in the University Catalog. All teacher education programs require students to successfully complete EDU3235 Instructional Foundations and all methods courses before being admitted to student teaching.

Requirements in teacher licensure programs may change due to revisions in Minnesota teacher licensure rules. Licensure candidates must meet the licensure requirements that are current at the time of program completion. These requirements take precedence over all previous curriculum requirements.  Students are encouraged to work closely with an academic advisor in order to be aware of licensure changes which might affect their programs.

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