Tk20 is the UNW School of Education Assessment System. All education students are subscribed to Tk20 through a one-time non-refundable fee once they declare an education major. Students have access to the system during their time at Northwestern and after they graduate. The system is used for electronic portfolios, field experiences, course assessments, and student teaching performance assessments. Students retain access to their assessment data through their individual subscriptions.
Login Instructions: Accessing Tk20 - Students & Faculty - 2019 Fall.pdf
Frequently Asked Questions: Tk20 FAQ's.pdf
Instructions for Students
Adding a reflection form: 2016fall_Student_AddingReflectionForm_QG.pdf
Adding standards for Program Portfolio: 2015Fall_Accessing_Standards_for_Program_Portfolios_QG.pdf
Finding field placement evaluations: Student_Accessing Evaluations.pdf
Completing/submitting an assignment: Student_CompletingAnAssignment_QG.pdf
Completing/submitting the Student Teaching Application: Student_CompletingStudentTeachingApplication_QG.pdf
Instructions for Cooperating Teachers
Accessing placement evaluations: CoopTeacher_FieldExpEval_QG.pdf
Instructions for Faculty / University Supervisors
Accessing placement evaluations: Assessing Field Experience QG University Supervisor.pdf
Granting an extension, a.k.a. "reopening an assignment": Faculty_GrantingExtension_QG.pdf
Accessing course-based assignments, a.k.a. key assessments: Faculty_Assessing course-based assignment rubrics (2).pdf