Can I schedule a campus tour?
Yes! Our Admissions Office provides campus tours at a variety of days and times. Schedule a campus tour online here.
Can I explore campus without coming to campus?
Yes, we also have a Virtual Campus Tour you can explore.
How do I navigate the University of Northwestern St. Paul campus?
Our St. Paul campus is located at 3003 Snelling Ave North, St. Paul, MN 55113. Directions to campus may be found on our website.
You can use a campus map to navigate when you arrive. Building hours may be found online here.
If I am trying to locate a specific room on campus, what do I do?
If you ever need to visit campus and locate a specific room, please note that each room number on campus includes 1-2 letters and 3-4 numbers. The letters refer to the specific building, while the numbers refer to the exact room (with the first number typically referring to the floor on which the room resides).
Here are some common buildings you may need to locate on campus and their letter designations. Each building may be located on our campus map:
- B = Berntsen Library
- E = Ericksen Center
- G = Billy Graham Community Life Commons
- F = Totino Fine Arts Center
- MJ = Mel Johnson Media Center
- N = Nazareth Hall
- R = Riley Hall
- S = Robertson Student Center
Example: The Office of Dual Enrollment is located in room N4140. This means that it is located in Nazareth Hall (N) on the 4th floor.
Do I need to get a Student ID Card?
Online and on-site Dual Enrollment (PSEO & Early College) students are not required to have Student ID Cards. However, if you plan to spend frequent time on our St. Paul campus we recommend that you request one. A Student ID Card is free and may be requested by submitting an ID Card Request Form.
Questions about Student ID Cards? Please contact the Office of Public Safety:
Where can I park when I visit campus?
Visit our Parking on Campus page for information about parking.
How can I get a parking permit?
A parking permit is required in order to park a vehicle on campus (unless you are visiting for an official admissions event or campus tour). Visit our Parking Permits for Students page for more information.
Questions about parking or permits? Please contact the Office of Public Safety: