Incidents + Maintence
Incidents + Maintence
Former user (Deleted)
Steven Gjerdingen
Owned by Former user (Deleted)
Link to app:
- Requesting Maintenance of an item in the labs. Has potential to expand to house the incident (injuries + near misses) reporting system.
How to Use:
- Two of the options "Report an Injury" & "Report a Near Miss" are not yet live. Clicking on these buttons will direct you to complete the paper log in the labs.
- The third option: Report an Equipment or Tool Issue is live
- Follow the on screen prompts to identify if there is an asset tag
- If there is:
- Enter the number and click Search Database
- Check that the Item Code listed describes the equipment you are requesting maintenance for.
- Issue Description: describe the problem you are experience. Be as specific as possible.
- Requestor: if you are signed in, this field should auto-populate. If you are not, start entering your email and then select yourself from the list.
- Priority:
- As Soon As Possible: Use this option if you are reporting a problem for a class/project that is actively in session. Enter the date of when you would like to next use the item. We will do our best to complete it by that date, but this is not always possible. If you are in a class that is meeting when the item breaks, you may fill out this form if the item is not needed immediately or you may call the Lab Manager to request immediate assistance.
- By Next Semester: Use this option of there is an item that caused minor issues in lab that allowed you to complete the lab, but should be addressed before the next time it runs if it runs both semesters.
- By Next Year: Same as above, but for an item that is used in a class that is only taught once per year.
- Picture of Issue: take a photo if it would be helpful for the troubleshooting. This is an optional step and you can follow instructions in the app.
- Click the check mark in the upper right to submit the form.
- After the request is received you can return to the app home page or go view the maintenance log in the inventory app (the second option may not always work correctly).
- If there is not:
- Read the instruction in app first and then click Search Database; this will launch the inventory app. If you have never used the inventory app before be sure to review its page first.
- Follow For Maint: prompts throughout to narrow down the item you are reporting.
- I recommend starting by filtering by the lab you are in. Then follow Inventory App instructions to find the item in question.
- Once the item is identified, click on the row. Then Select Maintenance Log (yellow tool symbol)
- In Maintenance History select the + symbol; this will reopen the maintenance app.
- Return to the section above under "If there is" to walk through what each field on this form means and how to complete it.
- If there is:
- Follow the on screen prompts to identify if there is an asset tag
- Students will need to be members of the UNW Engineers Teams
- The App is also available in the UNW Engineers > General > Incidents+Maintenance Tab
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