Student Lab Access App
Student Lab Access App
Link to app:
- Should be used by faculty/staff to request student lab access only if needed outside of class hours.
- Students with this access will need to log in and out using the Occupancy App anytime they are in a lab without Staff/Faculty supervision
- Students still need to always be in the lab with a buddy, please communicate this. For level 1 & 2 labs the buddy does not need to be an EGR student.
- Please allow 2-3 days for your request to be approved and access setup. Student who are receiving access in a building for the first time will need to set up an appointment to get their ID scanned, which may cause delays.
How to Use:
- Select the building you are requesting access for (Naz or RSN)
- Step 1: Search the current access list using student last name or username.
- Select all student you want to add
- If you accidentally add the wrong student, the trash can symbol will remove them
- Use the + symbol to add any students not in the list
- Newly added students will not show in list until Step 2
- Select all student you want to add
- Step 2: Complete the request form
- Room format is N#### or R### (i.e. N1150 or RS109)
- Expires should be the end of the semester for students and the end of the school year for TAs
- GrantedBy should be yourself. Type your username then select yourself from the list.
- Reason should be the course code, or a descriptor such as "TA" for non course related access
- Check that your selected students list shows all those you want access granted for. The new students you added in Step 1 should appear now.
- Click the checkmark, this will send your request to the approver.
- Students will get an email automatically alerting them when the approver has processed the request.
- The approver will reach out to student who need to set up a time to have their ID scanned
- All EGR staff & faculty, if you don't have access please ask to be added to the Engineering Department Staff/Faculty Team
- The App is also available in the Engineering Department Staff/Faculty Team > PowerApps Home Channel > Request Student Lab Access
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