Check In
Check In
Former user (Deleted)
Steven Gjerdingen
Owned by Former user (Deleted)
Link to app:
- For use by the Lab Manager and Lab staff to Check-in on the status of each lab. Ideally, each lab should be have a weekly checkin.
How to Use:
- First select the lab you are servicing
- If the Status reads that there are issues, address them first; click the arrow to view them
- On the Reported Issues page the gallery will show each issue as a row
- The Issue title will be listed first, then the item, then its asset tag if it has one
- To start an issue click on the > on the right side of the row.
- On Request's Details
- The top section will show the details submitted by the user.
- Asset Tag: the purple tag on the item if it has one (usually only capital)
- Item Code: the item description, detail, and material
- Reported: the date the issue was submitted
- Requested By: the date the item needs to be used next - when the user would like it complete by
- Requestor: user who requested this be fixed. They can be updated when the issue is resolved or emailed to request more details.
- Issue Description: as it sounds
- Image + More: click on the icon next to this to see the image of the issue if there is one along with the full description if it gets cut off.
- Status: autosets first to Not Started. Change to In Progress if you have begun assessing/working on the issue (ie. ordering parts), and set to complete when the issue is resolved.
- Resolver: start entering your email and then select your name from the list.
- In Process & Resolved Dates: will be updated automatically
- The middle section can show either the ticket history or the full item history depending which of the two you click on. Click on the button icons a second time to hide those sections. These sections can help show past work and solutions.
- The lower section is for you to complete when you start or continue work on the item
- Date Updated will autofill to the time the ticket was opened.
- Notes: should be a detailed description of the work that you've done.
- Click update to submit the form. The lower section will appear in the Ticket History when the page is next opened.
- After submitting, the home page will autofill. Click submit checkin to build a record of lab checkins. The form will reset after submission.
- The top section will show the details submitted by the user.
- On the Reported Issues page the gallery will show each issue as a row
- If there are no issues, select one of the following tasks to perform.
- Check Safety Supplies
- After selecting, click the arrow after "to Safety Shelf Inventory"
- This will open the Labs Inventory app. Use the filter function to filter to the lab you are in. Then look up each of the items in the safety shelf and update its inventory, placing orders for more as needed.
- After complete these steps return to the checkin app and summarize the tasks performed in the Description field. For the relevant number list the receipt number of any purchased supplies or use "None". Then Submit Checkin
- Add Inventory
- Instructions say to Make Update in Access then Return. You can use access or the Purchase Request App for this step.
- When complete fill out the form with a summary and Submit Checkin.
- Check/Edit Inventory
- After selecting, click the arrow after "To Room Inventory"
- This will open the Labs Inventory app to show all items in the room.
- The buttons at the top right of the screen will refresh and filter the gallery. Current filters will then be listed in the section below the search bar.
- Selecting the purple buttons will sort the gallery by each of those parameters. The double arrows will switch the direction of the sort.
- For example you can sort by change date to see which items have not been inventoried in the longest time.
- Click on the > to open the items inventory history and then edit it using the instruction on the Labs Inventory Page (you will need to be logged into PowerApps as shops for this to work)
- Click the checkmark when done and then the back arrow < to return and edit more records.
- Routine Maintenance
- Enter the asset tag of the piece of equipment and describe the maintenance performed
- Study Equipment
- Enter the asset tag and the describe the research done
- Other: anything that didn't fit in the above categories
- Check Safety Supplies
- Users need to be members of the UNW Engineers Teams
- The App is also available in the UNW Engineering Department Staff/Faculty > PowerApps Home > CheckIn
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