13.1 Student Advising

13.1 Student Advising


The advising process involves purposeful interaction and shared responsibilities between students and advisors. 

Student responsibilities include:  

  1. Meet with assigned advisor every semester for degree review, questions about progress, and to ensure the plan developed to complete all core curriculum courses prior to Term 4 is completed and that all university and SON requirements are met.

  1. Know and follow SON academic policies, regulations and procedures; seek clarification when needed.  

  1. Seek immediate support from the advisor and Academic Achievement to address challenges as they arise.   

  1. Track progress toward degree completion; inform the advisor of changes that might impact or interfere with satisfactory academic progress; follow through on agreed upon actions identified during advising sessions.  

  1. Evaluate and provide feedback to the SON on academic advising received. 

  1. Meet with assigned academic advisor prior to registration for each semester/term during the week of the University Advising Day, if possible.  

Each student is assigned one or more academic advisors from the School of Nursing faculty. The roles of the advisor include:   

  1. Exploring student goals while in program.  

  1. Assisting students in following the prescribed NUR course plan for each term.   

  1. Ensure student follows the plan of completion for any outstanding core curriculum courses  

  1. Monitoring student academic performance and progression.   

  1. Guiding students to appropriate resources for assistance with course work, study skills, and personal concerns.   

  1. Document all student advising meetings in an accurate and timely fashion.


Students are encouraged to meet regularly with their advisor. Please contact your advisor during scheduled advising times or set up an appointment if more than a brief discussion is needed.   


If you have other concerns not related to a specific academic problem, refer to the appropriate section of the Student Life page on myUNW dashboard. Students are encouraged to participate in the evaluation of the School of Nursing through sharing positive feedback, ideas, concerns, or problems, with their student representatives, or through submitting anonymous feedback on the SON Resources Moodle Page.  

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