

Program portfolios will be created and presented in the online assessment and accreditation system of Tk20. Portfolio artifact templates are provided in Tk20 for teacher candidates to complete their portfolio. A portfolio artifact includes a statement of the standard and selection of standard subparts, attachment of selected samples of work, information of the samples of work, and reflective writing for each standard and applied subparts. Members of the  University of Northwestern – St. Paul teacher education faculty review program portfolios and provide feedback in Tk20.

If a teacher candidate’s work is used to document more than one standard category, a portfolio artifact should be included under each of the standard sections. For example, a lesson plan might be used as a sample of work to demonstrate Standard 7 on Planning Instruction as well as Standard 4 on Instructional Strategies. In this case, a portfolio artifact needs to be added for both standards 7 and 4 while the actual lesson plan would be attached or linked for both standards. If students use photos or videos of children, they must obtain the appropriate releases in order to protect the privacy rights of their students and families.

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