uniFLOW - Submitting jobs from your phone
Print jobs can be submitted to uniFLOW from your phone. This article describes how to do so.
Download the uniFLOW app from the app store on your phone.
Login to the App
Manual Login
Choose Manual Login and enter unwsp.us.uniflowonline.com in the tenant URL field and click “Next”
Click UNW SSO and sign in with your UNW account.
Login via QR code
Login to unwsp.us.uniflowonline.com from a computer and click the mobile phone icon in the top right.
On your phone, choose “Login via QR Code” and enter the code in the secret textbox from step one on your computer.
Click next on your computer and click “Scan QR code” on your phone. then scan the QR code from your computer using your phone.
Submitting jobs from your phone
Choose the “Print” option from the uniFLOW app and choose how to submit a document.
Select a file from your phone
Select a photo on your phone
Take a photo of a document
Adjust any necessary print settings and Click “Add to queue”