Labs Inventory
Labs Inventory
- Former user (Deleted)
- Steven Gjerdingen
Owned by Former user (Deleted)
Link to app:
- Used to view and edit items in the lab inventory
How to Use:
- To view lab inventory: select that button on the home page
- You may either search using the search bar. Try to search using the most generic description of the product. If you are looking for a specific type of tape, just search "tape" first.
- Or, you may click on the filter button in the upper right to scroll through a smaller list after applying filters.
- In the Filter Wizard, select the item type filter, if you don't know what a filter means, you likely don't need to use it. The most common filters you'll need are:
- Non-capital Equipment: benchtop or handheld equipment, including some tools (i.e. Concrete air meter)
- Project consumables: these are items purchased for a project that may be used up, their inventory accuracy will fluctuate
- Project Non-consumables: these are items purchased for projects that can be salvaged from the projects after the end.
- Specimens: these are specifically prepared consumables for the junior level labs
- Stock: this is metal stock housing in the machine shop
- Tooling: these are cutting tools used in other machines
- Tools: these are handheld tools
- General Supplies: anything handheld that doesn't fall into one of the other categories
- Or, the room filter.
- After selecting filters (and you can select multiple at a time) click Apply. If you want to return to an unfiltered list, select Clear All. After selecting Clear All you'll need to select Apply to return to the inventory.
- Only use the back arrow if you want to return to the previous page without saving or applying any of your changes.
- In the Filter Wizard, select the item type filter, if you don't know what a filter means, you likely don't need to use it. The most common filters you'll need are:
- Once you find the item you are interested in click on the row or the arrow to see it's details.
- If you see the line "unverified arrival - no inventory to show" it just means that the item is not in the inventory. You can reach out to the lab manager of a TA in order to determine if the item is here.
- If the items have arrived and been entered, you will see all items that share that Item Description. There are three levels of defining items:
- Item Description: most general high level description of the item
- Item Detail: usually used to specific size, dimensions, capacity, or some other detail to differentiate it from other items that share the same general description.
- Item Material: usually this is a "-"; this category is only used if two items would have the same description without it. Therefore, it is usually reserved for specimen or stock, where we have multiple types of the same item made of different metals.
- For each item you can see some initial item information (Location, Last inventory entry, & Quantity with units) and then have three options all of which are at the right side of the row. (Note: the yellow symbols at the top of the page are a key to tell you want they mean, they are not buttons; The buttons are the same symbols at the end of each row)
- Option 1: View Details - this will show all inventory information about the item. Categories not previous described are listed below. Use the X in the top left to return to the previous page
- ItemID, Document Number, & Attachments: used internally for database tracking (irrelevant to viewers)
- ModelNumber: Model Number of the equipment if it has one.
- Courses: list of all the courses that use this item. "General" means it is not affiliated with a specific class.
- Quantity + UoM (Unit of Measure): This is the main quantity and units used for the item. (ie. 2 units or 1 box)
- UnitCost: How much it cost to purchase each quantity at the above unit of measure. (ie. $5/unit or $10/box)
- UoM Qty + UoM Unit: These are only used if two levels of information are needed. For example if the 1 box from earlier holds 10 pairs of safety glasses. Then we track the existence of 1 (Quantity) box (UoM) of 10 (UoM Qty) units (UoM Unit). If this is "1 unit" then it just means that there is no second level of information.
- Option 2: See Inventory History (page symbol)
- The Item Code at the top of this page is just a combination of Item Description, Detail, and Material
- The Total Across All Labs is a summary of the current overall count
- Each inventory entry is then listed separately. Negative items show items that have been used. Use the double arrow in the top right to show newest vs. oldest entries first.
- The Quantity and unit are Quatity + UoM as discussed earlier
- Asset Tag: will be empty unless the item is considered capital equipment (these asset tags can be used to submit maintenance requests)
- Line under Quantity is the location states as Room: Location
- Change Date: the date of the inventory entry
- The three symbols on the right side of the item again give three options (Unless you were directed here from the maintenance app, ignore the button at the bottom):
- Details: Like earlier this will show the full details for this item. This time the details will be about its inventory versus the item itself. Descriptions exist under each line. Use the < to return.
- Move: Use this option if you are taking an item from one lab to another. This helps keep the inventory updated. Follow the instruction in the app.
- Use: Use this option to note than an item has been used/thrown away. Follow the instructions in the app.
- Option 3: Maintenance Log (tools symbol)
- If this item has a maintenance history. It will give you the option to view all or select from an AssetTag list of there are different items with the same description.
- The plus button in the top right will launch the Maintenance app and allow you to input a maintenance request.
- Option 1: View Details - this will show all inventory information about the item. Categories not previous described are listed below. Use the X in the top left to return to the previous page
- The other three buttons on the main page are still under construction.
- To view lab inventory: select that button on the home page
- Students will need to be members of the UNW Engineers Teams
- The App is also available in the UNW Engineers > General > LabsInventory Tab
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