uniFLOW - Installing printer driver (Northwestern-owned devices)

uniFLOW - Installing printer driver (Northwestern-owned devices)

IT has installed the “Northwestern Secure Print” printer on all office computers, labs, and classrooms, and will be including it with all future deployments of new computers. If you need to manually install the printer on a Northwestern computer, please follow the steps below.

Windows Install

  1. Open the UNW Software Center or ManageEngine Endpoint Central from your Start Menu

  1. Click install next to the uniFLOW Smart Client app



  2. The “Northwestern Secure Print” Printer should show up in your printers list after a successful install

Screenshot 2024-07-03 085111.png

Mac Install

  1. Open the UNW Self Service application and search for the uniFLOW Smart Client.


  2. Click install and after the installation completes, the “Northwestern Secure Print” printer should show up.


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