Autodesk - Civil 3D

Autodesk - Civil 3D


Contract ID: 154355435

License term:  3 year free term beginning 1/22/2020

Seats: 3000 concurrent

This software is a civil engineering software. Learn More

Company Liaison

None - process done online

Renewal Process

Request new licenses in 3 years from Autodesk

Payment Process

Payment type: none - licenses are free

Installation Process

Server IP:  serverIP.docx

Port: 2080, 27001

License key: <insert key from Autodesk >Network License Manager>

Instructions: Server

Uses same license manger as MATLAB

Configuring License Server: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/customer-service/network-license-administration/install-and-configure-network-license/windows/configuring-windows-license-server#Creating%20a%20Debug%20Log%20File

License File download URL: https://manage.autodesk.com/cep/#products-services/products/generate-license

Instructions: Client

Download the software from the S:Drive folder

  1. Run AutodeskDonloadManager_webinstall.exe
  2. Ignore the warning message
  3. Accept the license agreement
  4. Click ok on the data collection agreement
  5. Click Ok on the Save Download path (it auto selects C:\Autodesk)
  6. Once the next screen loads, select download on this computer
  7. Accept the license agreement
  8. Choose default install path (C:\Program files)
  9. I left the 'subassembly composer' box checked (not sure if this is needed).
  10. The Application will install and then ask if you would like to launch - click ok
  11. Select Multi-user
  12. License server model is "Single Server License" and the Name is 2080@<use-server-IP-listed-earlier>

Installed: (historically on North row) install on all computers going forward

Update Schedule

Autodesk usually releases major versions each March

UNW: Summer update

Current Version: 


Not specifically used in courses, but made available to the civil emphasis students.

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