VMware Horizon Client for Mac

VMware Horizon Client for Mac


The VMware Horizon Client is used in certain courses to connect to computer lab resources. Users can connect via a web browser or downloaded software to virtual or physical lab's computer for the course.

Install the VMware Horizon Client

  1. Browse to this VMware website to download the VMware Horizon Client installer for your Mac: Download VMware Horizon Clients - VMware Customer Connect

  2. Once the download is complete, locate the VMware-Horizon-Client-x.x.x-yyyy.dmg installer file, double-click to open.

    1. Drag the VMWare Horizon Client app to the Applications folder to install it.

      1. Your Mac may be prompt for administrator approval to complete the installation.

Setup the VMware Horizon Client

Open and Login to the Horizon Client

  1. Open Finder, go to Applications and click the VMWare Horizon Client icon to launch the client.


  2. Double-click the New Server button to add the server connection. Then enter vws.unwsp.edu in the box and click Connect.

  3. Login with your UNW account if needed.

    1. horizon_sso_login.PNG

  4. You should now see the list of Computer Labs that you have available to you.

Connect to your Virtual Machine

  1. Double-click one of the computer lab icons to launch your machine for that lab, a separate window will open, then you can sign in to your machine.

    1. If you need to send Control-Alt-Delete to the virtual machine, you can click the Send Ctrl-Alt-Delete button at the top.

    2. When you're done, you can simply close the window to disconnect from the virtual machine.

Local Drive Access

The first time you login to a Computer Lab you may be prompted to allow access to your local hard drive. Accepting this prompt will make your laptop storage available inside the virtual machine and you will be able to copy files back and forth between your virtual machine and your personal computer.

Questions or Feedback

If you have any additional questions, or if you have feedback about this article, please contact the IT Department by submitting a ticket on the IT tab on myUNW.

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