3.4 BSN Program: Nine Essential Questions and Program Answers

3.4 BSN Program: Nine Essential Questions and Program Answers


The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) pre-licensure program provides a strong foundation in biblical studies, liberal arts, and the sciences. The BSN program is organized around a framework of providing answers (program outcomes) to nine essential questions, grounded in the overarching concept of service.

In professional nursing:

  • Why do we serve?

  • Whom do we serve?

  • Where do we serve?

  • When do we serve?

  • How do we serve?

  • In what condition or spirit do we serve?

  • What skills and abilities are needed to serve?

  • With whom do we serve?

  • To whom are we accountable when we serve?


The Concept of Service:
Nine Essential Questions

Program Outcomes:
Answers to Nine Essential Questions

The Concept of Service:
Nine Essential Questions

Program Outcomes:
Answers to Nine Essential Questions

  1. Why do we serve?

Approach nursing from a biblically based, Christian worldview, equipped to minister and serve as opportunities arise within the home, church, community, and world.

  1. Whom do we serve?

Provide nursing ministry and service across the continuum of healthcare environments, to humankind: individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations; the underserved, poor, and disadvantaged; individuals across the lifespan; and diverse populations.

  1. Where do we serve?

Provide nursing ministry and service, delivered in person or virtually, in multiple settings including home, church, community, and world.

  1. When do we serve?

Provide timely nursing services for promoting health and preventing disease.

Minister and serve humankind during times of unmet healthcare needs.

  1. How do we serve?

Utilize professional standards of practice as a basis for assuming nursing roles required in providing nursing care and services.

Demonstrate awareness of and appropriate use of ethical, legal, and political standards/influences when providing nursing care and services.

  1. In what condition or spirit do we serve?

Demonstrate Christian character, servant leadership, and wellness-oriented self-care while practicing within a biblically-based, Christian worldview.

  1. What skills and abilities are needed to serve?

Demonstrate proficiency in skills and abilities characteristic of a professional nurse generalist.

  1. With whom do we serve?

Participate in collaborative practice with interprofessional healthcare team members, while applying skills of relationship building, servant-leadership, and management.

Collaborate with other communities of interest, such as local/extended church organizations, healthcare organizations, and community support agencies to provide nursing service as healthcare opportunities arise. 

  1. To whom are we accountable when we serve?

Recognize individual and professional accountability to Christ, the general public, the nursing profession, and healthcare employers for providing safe, efficient, effective, equitable, ethical, evidence-based, patient-centered, and timely professional care. 


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