3.8 Overview of the BSN Program

3.8 Overview of the BSN Program


University of Northwestern - St. Paul offers a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree program. See suggested UNW School of Nursing BSN Curriculum Plans of Study listed in the Appendices:

2024-2025 BSN Curriculum Plan of Study

Upon acceptance into the University of Northwestern, pre-nursing students will be automatically accepted into the School of Nursing as a nursing major as long as all admission requirements are met. (See 5.2 Admission Requirements for the BSN Program).

Northwestern’s BSN program is designed as a hybrid program, which includes face-to-face, blended, and online courses provided through either an accelerated or traditional path. Blended courses are designed to approach face-to-face instruction as a synthesis experience, emphasizing, for example, scholarly, hands-on, and interprofessional communication applications of content presented online.

Clinical courses include instruction by expert nurse educators in the areas of adult-health, geriatrics, maternity, pediatrics, mental health, transcultural health, community and public health, leadership, and simulation technology. Clinical settings range from rural to metropolitan, traditional to non-traditional, and structured to non-structured. During the program, students have the opportunity to engage in immersion clinical experiences, including a Synthesis of Care course. Through this rigorous program, students will be prepared to sit for the National Council Licensing Exam for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN®) and for graduate study. 

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