3.6 BSN Graduate Competencies of the School of Nursing

3.6 BSN Graduate Competencies of the School of Nursing

3.6 BSN Graduate Competencies of the School of Nursing

The following competencies are threaded throughout the nursing curriculum – progressing from awareness, recognition, and beginning application to application and performance, to proficiency. The competencies are guided by the curricular framework, program, term, course, and clinical outcomes. Each competency is not necessarily addressed in each course. These competencies are utilized in evaluation mechanisms for each course: Competency-Based Assessments (CBAs) (exams) and Competency Performance Evaluations (CPETs).

1.     Biblically Based Christian Worldview

Approach nursing from a biblically based, Christian worldview equipped to minister and serve as opportunities arise.

2.     Global Perspective

Provide ministry and services in multiple settings including home, church, community, and world; assume appropriate roles, in meeting the healthcare needs of diverse populations, demonstrating cultural sensitivity.

3.     Patient-Centered Care

Provide patient-centered ministry and services to humankind: individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations; the underserved, poor, and disadvantaged; individuals across the lifespan and diverse populations.

4.     Interprofessional Collaborative Practice

Participate in interprofessional, collaborative practice; Collaborate with other communities of interest such as local/extended church organizations, healthcare organizations, and community support agencies, to provide nursing services as opportunities arise.

5.     Clinical Reasoning and Professional Judgment

Develop healthcare strategies for addressing complex problems, obstacles, and new challenges faced when providing nursing ministry and services; evaluate management systems.

6.     Promote Health /Prevent Disease/Address Healthcare Needs

Participate in health promotion, disease prevention activities; identify and address unmet healthcare needs of others within the home, church, community, and world.

7.     Professional Development

Use professional standards of practice as a basis for assuming multiple professional roles; appropriately use ethical, legal, and political standards/influences when providing nursing care and services.

8.     Christian Character/Professional Values

Demonstrate Christian character, servant leadership, and wellness-oriented self-care; demonstrate safe, efficient, effective, equitable, ethical, evidence-based, patient-centered, and timely professional care.

9.     Skills/Abilities of a Professional Nurse Generalist

Exhibit skills and abilities characteristic of a professional nurse generalist: Critical thinking, problem solving skills, and scholarly abilities; evidence-based practice and research abilities; prioritization and delegation skills; written, oral, non-oral, and interdisciplinary team communication skills; technology-based skills; information and systems management skills; performance, hands-on skills; servant-leadership and management skills; budgetary and finance skills; time awareness and management skills; ethical, legal, and political awareness skills and engagement skills; and ministry and service skills.

10.  Safety/Quality of Care and Accountability

Provide safe care; evaluate management systems to ensure safe care; recognize individual and professional accountability to Christ, the general public, the nursing profession, and healthcare employers for providing safe care.

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