7.1 Faculty and Student Communications

7.1 Faculty and Student Communications


General Communications

All faculty members have campus telephones with voice mail capability. A directory of all faculty and staff members may be found on the myUNW Dashboard.  Every effort should be made to contact faculty/staff during normal working hours (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM).  Faculty/staff may choose to give you their home or cell phone number in case of emergencies or for use during reasonable hours of the day or evening.  For all urgent, time-sensitive issues, particularly regarding clinical, calling/texting is recommended over email communications.  Please respect faculty/staff's family and personal time by not calling or texting outside normal business hours, unless absolutely necessary.  Faculty and staff are instructed to do the same in regard to students.

The primary form of faculty-student communication, outside of class and clinical time, is email.  Please check and respond to your Northwestern email several times daily, including Saturday and Sunday.  This will ensure that you are receiving all important and timely messages from the SON and/or faculty.  For team-taught nursing course(s) and clinical courses, please copy link (cc) each and every faculty member, particularly if there are expressed concerns or requests made. 


Appropriate behavior online is known as Netiquette. The key to netiquette is to remember that the people with whom you are communicating cannot see you, read your body language or hear the tone of your voice. No one can tell if you are smiling, scowling or just joking. Therefore, it is important to be professional and courteous when communicating online.

To fully engage in the virtual learning experience and demonstrate respect to all, faculty may require that device cameras are on during class, small group meetings, individual meetings with faculty, and at other times when engaging virtually. Students should not expect to be passive spectators of the virtual learning experience. Students should be prepared to actively engage during virtual class times and other meetings through discussion, answering questions, and participating in interactive activities.

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