5.5 Readmission and Re-Enrollment Polices
A student who wishes to be readmitted to the nursing program after a formal departure, must reapply to the School of Nursing for consideration of admission. Readmittance to the nursing program after a dismissal, if approved, may be subject to a one (1) year waiting period. Any student readmitted to the program will be required to:
Have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75 on a 4.00 scale.
Meet University and program admission criteria prior to readmission.
Demonstrate a satisfactory level of knowledge from prerequisite nursing courses.
Demonstrate successful competency of safe and accurate medication calculations and administration (if applicable)
Demonstrate successful competencies in all clinical skills previously taken.
See READMISSION IN THE NURSING PROGRAM in the University of Northwestern ā St. Paul Traditional Undergraduate & Dual Enrollment Catalog 2024-2025, p. 116.
The School of Nursing acknowledges the responsibility of re-enrolling only those students who, in the judgment of the Chief Nurse Administrator and nursing faculty, satisfy the requirements of scholarship, health, and professional suitability for nursing. If a student fails to meet the above sequential progression requirements or withdraws from any nursing course, and desires consideration for reenrollment, the student must complete the SONās Application for Reenrollment form (See Appendices).