5.3 Retention in the Nursing Program

5.3 Retention in the Nursing Program


See RETENTION IN THE NURSING PROGRAM in the University of Northwestern-St. Paul Traditional Undergraduate & Dual Enrollment Catalog 2024-2025, p.122

Sequential Progression Requirements for the BSN Program

Retention in the Nursing Program is based on the following:

a. Meet all minimum grade requirements as defined for core curriculum courses in the University Catalog and for NUR courses in the School of Nursing Handbook.

b. Maintain all student health clearance/immunization requirements, BLS requirement and criminal background screening, with supporting documentation demonstrating

current (non-expired) records.

c. Maintains a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75

d. Maintains a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 within the major;

e. Demonstrates satisfactory performance of all designated nursing skills;

f. Earns a satisfactory grade in both the theory and clinical components of the nursing courses. In the event that the earned clinical grade is unsatisfactory, the course grade assigned will not be higher than the letter grade of "D";

g. Passes the medication calculation Competency Based Assessment CBA at 90% accuracy (Terms 2, 3, & 4);

h. Demonstrates full compliance with all standards of the nursing profession as defined by AACN's Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice, the ANA standards of practice, the ANA Code for Nurses, and Minnesota Nursing Practice Act;

i. Stays within the Course Repetition Policies as outlined in the University of Northwestern-St. Paul Traditional, Undergraduate and Dual Enrollment Catalog 2024-2025, p. 35.


If the appropriate GPAs are not maintained, the School of Nursing may place the student on probation, dismiss the student from the nursing program, or counsel the student into another program area.

A single nursing course (NUR prefix) may only be repeated one time, with a maximum of two (2) nursing courses (NUR prefix) total repeated within the program. This includes whether the student failed or withdrew from the course (ā€œWā€ notation on transcript). The student who fails or withdraws from a third nursing course, or failed a single nursing course during the second attempt, will immediately be dismissed from the School of Nursing. All dismissal cases may be appealed.

In the event that a student withdraws from a nursing (NUR prefix) course due to extenuating circumstances, the student may appeal to the Admission and Progression committee to repeat the course without penalty.

Ā Dismissed students need to turn in all uniforms and ID badges within 30 days of notification of dismissal.Ā 

In the event of extenuating circumstances, the student may petition the Admission and Progression Committee within 3 weeks (21 days) requesting permission to continue in the nursing program. Admission to the subsequent semester is not guaranteed.

Upon the first or second failure or withdrawal of any nursing course (NUR prefix) in the program, the student must write a letter to the Admission and Progression Committee of the School of Nursing, notifying the committee of 1) their intent to continue in the nursing program; 2) their preferred term to repeat the nursing course(s); and 3) strategies taken to ensure success in the repeated course(s). The Admission and Progression Committee of the School of Nursing will make final decisions based on course availability.

All nursing courses (NUR prefix) in a term must be repeated successfully prior to taking subsequent nursing courses. A student must have completed all NUR courses from term 1 to enter term 2, all NUR courses from term 2 to enter term 3, and all NUR courses from term 3 to enter term 4.

All non-nursing courses must be completed with submission receipt of final transcripts to the Registrar by the start of Term 4 of the Nursing program. Failure to meet sequential progression requirements will delay progression of the student within the Nursing program according to the curriculum plan.

The UNW Academic Probation policy can be found here: University of Northwestern St. Paul

All program requirements must be completed within five (5) years of first enrollment of NUR courses. A student not progressing in the program in a continuous manner may be required to complete additional courses based on curriculum changes.

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