8.1 University Policy on Academic Integrity

8.1 University Policy on Academic Integrity


Inherent in the mission of the University of Northwestern - St. Paul is a strong belief in the principle of academic integrity. The Declaration of Christian Community defines and promotes the benefits and responsibilities of being part of the Christian community at University of Northwestern - St. Paul. One of the attributes that characterizes the Christian community is integrity. It is a major responsibility of students and faculty to maintain academic integrity. Violations include cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, and other academic misconduct. Students found cheating or plagiarizing are subject to discipline. The standard disciplinary response is an immediate F (failing grade) for the course and the student placed on disciplinary probation. The disciplinary action may be decreased or increased for reasons as outlined in the University of Northwestern - St. Paul Traditional Undergraduate & Dual Enrollment Catalog 2024-2025, pp. 31-32. Appeals for cause on academic cheating or plagiarism will be directed to the Registrar, chair of the ad hoc appeals committee. Incidents will be reported to the Registrar’s office.

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