5.5 Readmission and Re-Enrollment Polices

5.5 Readmission and Re-Enrollment Polices


A student who wishes to be readmitted to the nursing program after a formal departure, must reapply to the School of Nursing for consideration of admission. Readmittance to the nursing program after a dismissal, if approved, may be subject to a one (1) year waiting period. Any student readmitted to the program will be required to:

  • Have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75 on a 4.00 scale.

  • Meet University and program admission criteria prior to readmission.

  • Demonstrate a satisfactory level of knowledge from prerequisite nursing courses.

  • Demonstrate successful competency of safe and accurate medication calculations and administration (if applicable)

  • Demonstrate successful competencies in all clinical skills previously taken.

See READMISSION IN THE NURSING PROGRAM in the University of Northwestern ā€“ St. Paul Traditional Undergraduate & Dual Enrollment Catalog 2024-2025, p. 116.

The School of Nursing acknowledges the responsibility of re-enrolling only those students who, in the judgment of the Chief Nurse Administrator and nursing faculty, satisfy the requirements of scholarship, health, and professional suitability for nursing. If a student fails to meet the above sequential progression requirements or withdraws from any nursing course, and desires consideration for reenrollment, the student must complete the SONā€™s Application for Reenrollment form (See Appendices).

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