


License term: 6/15/2022 - 6/14/2023

Seats: 25, non-concurrent

This software is an electrical engineering software. It specializes in circuit simulation. Learn More

Company Liaison

website/email ni@ni.com

Renewal Process

contracts process with quote

Payment Process

Payment type: PO though contracts request

Installation Process

Installer: IT & students

Platform: RS109 computers/Personal Computers

  1. Go to: https://www.ni.com/en-us.html
  2. Click on the hamburger menu list and select: Create an account - use your unw address
  3. Log in with your new account
  4. In the menu, click on your name, then "My Account"
  5. Scroll down to Products and Services
  6. Select View My Product
  7. Under Register a Product, enter serial number (provided by instructor), click register
  8. Using the drop down next to your product, download the software
  9. Be sure to select "MutliSIM Education License" - you will need to re-enter the serial number
  10. Follow the install steps and then restart the computer

This license can be used by 25 users. Currently it is installed on the RS109 computers and then installed on student computers during lab. Students will need to disconnect the license from their account when they complete the class so it becomes available again for the next group of students.

Contact: Mike Jacobson (has NI account credentials)


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