5.6c Exit Interview and Other Policies

5.6c Exit Interview and Other Policies


Prior to issuing the School of Nursing’s approval for the candidate’s licensure (NCLEX-RN® ) Licensure Application and release of the student’s transcript, the following must be completed:

University Requirements to be Completed:

School of Nursing Requirements to be Completed:

  • All SON credit and program requirements

  • Submission of SON clinical name tag (returned to the SON office)

Students should be prepared to share reflections on the following:

  • As you graduate, what are your personal beliefs (worldview) for professional nursing practice? How has this changed/developed during the BSN program?

  • How did the faculty and staff in the BSN program minister and serve you during your academic preparations?

  • How did the BSN program prepare you to go out and minister and serve others?

  • Can you identify personal and professional goals that will help you maintain a commitment to minister and serve others?

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