AV Services has created a 3 short walkthrough videos on how to use the classroom carts at Northwestern. Although certain spaces have some different configurations, the basic operation of each classroom cart is virtually the same.
All UNW presentation rooms have a tabletop or wall mounted "Extron" control panel with some variety of the following options:
- Display ON/OFF
- turns on projector(s) or TV (s) in the space
- automatically lowers any electric screens
- (note: manual screens have a pull cord attached)
- Video Source Selection
- PC = desktop computer connected to tabletop monitor
- Laptop = Your provided laptop, tablet, or smart phone connected via HDMI cable and provided adaptor ring
- Doc Cam= UNW standard document camera
- "Blank" or "Video Mute" = Blacks out video screen(s) for private computer navigation if desired
- Audio Volume using knob or slider
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