10.1 Required Minimum Grade and Cumulative GPA

10.1 Required Minimum Grade and Cumulative GPA


The grading policy is identical for all nursing (NUR) courses. A minimum of “C” is required in all nursing (NUR courses), pre-requisite or co-requisite sciences (BIO3145/BIO3145L, BIO3157/BIO3157L, BIO3158/BIO3158L, BIO3159, CHE1021/CHE1021L), and core pre-requisite courses (ENG 1105, PHI2016, PSY2108, MAT prefix course) in the nursing program. Additionally, the student must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.75 within the major to maintain good standing and ensure progression and graduation from the nursing program.

If the appropriate GPAs are not maintained, consideration may be given by the School of Nursing to place the student on probation, dismiss the student from the nursing program, or to counsel the student into another area. 


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