10.10 Attendance Policies for the School of Nursing
Students are expected to be present and punctual for all nursing classes, lab/simulation sessions, clinical training experiences, SON/clinical orientations, planning/debriefing sessions, other scheduled SON meetings, and SON-related events. Due to the rigorous nature of the program, students are strongly encouraged to avoid or limit outside employment while enrolled within the BSN program. If a student chooses to work, it is the responsibility of the student to ensure they have a flexible work schedule to accommodate the student’s need to fulfill the attendance policies of the School of Nursing.
Students are expected to attend each class (and clinical) for which they are registered. Classroom and clinical absences occurring because of employment-related conflicts, planned or unplanned trips or vacations, non-emergency family activities/events or other absent-related conflicts not covered under University of Northwestern excused absence policies, are considered unexcused absences. Unexcused absences incurred by a student may result in course penalties, as outlined in course syllabi and may also subject the student to course failure, preventing progression in the program.
Students accumulating excessive absences or occurrences of tardiness will be considered individually by the nursing faculty and may be subject to withdrawal from the course. A statement from the student's health care provider may be required for absence due to illness. Additionally, if a student is hospitalized, clearance from the health care provider is required prior to return to clinical.
Students are expected to notify course faculty and/or clinical instructors of both planned and unanticipated absences from classes and clinical experiences. Students are expected to attempt to speak directly with course faculty concerning all absences. Planned absences for personal, university, or School of Nursing functions should be discussed with nursing faculty well in advance of the absence. Due to the complexity of orientation to the course the first week of each term, late registration after a nursing course has begun is not permitted.