International Student Teaching Handbook

International Student Teaching Handbook


The UNWSP School of Education (SoE) supports your exciting decision to complete a portion of your Student Teaching abroad. This experience is a unique opportunity to learn and grow in the profession as you invest personally and professionally in an international setting. Esther 4:14 tells us, “And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?” (NIV) Therefore, we encourage you to appreciate God’s timing as you embark on this significant journey to develop a deeper Christian Worldview during the placement in your host country. This valuable experience will impact your development and your future as a professional educator. Take advantage of your time abroad to glean skills and understandings that translate into practice upon your return.

The SoE publishes this International Student Teaching Handbook to provide helpful information and resources as you prepare to journey abroad. You will also find practical and spiritual guidance to assist you with the process of re-entry as you process all that you learn and experience while overseas. Our prayer and utmost intention is that you are supported during your international Student Teaching. Remain in regular communication with your University Supervisor and Seminar instructor while overseas. We are confident that God will use this time to grow you as a teacher and follower of the Lord Jesus. “But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere” (II Corinthian 2:14, NIV). Remember, you walk in the procession of a Conqueror!

For His Kingdom,

Dr. Mike Butzow

Director of Field Experiences and Student Teaching


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