4.2b Student Representatives

4.2b Student Representatives


At the beginning of Terms 1 & 3, each cohort and/or faculty will be given the opportunity to nominate two students to be cohort representatives. Once the nominations are received by the School of Nursing, faculty will choose two students from the list of nominees to be the Student Representatives. 


The qualifications of a Student Representative are:        

  • To act in a Godly manner, glorifying God through their words, actions and thoughts.

  • To professionally represent their cohort of students bringing forth potential agenda items/issues to be discussed.

  • To portray a positive outlook toward the School of Nursing.

  • To act as a liaison between their cohort and the School of Nursing.

  • To role-model professional interactions and communication with SON administration, faculty, staff, and peers through all channels of communication, including social media.

The Student Representatives will each serve two terms, unless they have to step out of the program and are no longer with their cohort or are asked to give up their Student Representative role due to disciplinary actions. The School of Nursing will provide leadership coaching for the Student Representatives through a SON Coach who will advise the students regarding their representation to the cohort and to the faculty.

The responsibilities of a Student Representative are as follows:

  • To represent their peers at meetings with faculty.

  • To survey their peers on a regular basis to get their feedback on the program and share that information with the School of Nursing.

  • To assist with the Pinning Ceremony.

  • To represent their cohort and/or the School of Nursing at events, fairs, etc., as requested.

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