3.7 Student and Alumni Outcomes

3.7 Student and Alumni Outcomes


Eleven measurable student and alumni outcomes have been identified as necessary benchmarks indicating program effectiveness:

  1. Students will be successful in earning an average of 77% on Competency-Based Assessments (CBAs) within each NUR course.

  2. Students will be successful in achieving a Satisfactory (S) passing clinical evaluations as reflected on each Competency Performance Evaluation Tool (CPET) within clinical-based courses.

  3. Students will be successful in achieving a Satisfactory (S) passing evaluation on all attempted Competency Performance Simulation Assessments (CPSAs) within NUR clinical-based courses having CPSAs.

  4. Students will complete all ATI proctored assessments throughout the program.

  5. Students will be successful in achieving a "passing" course average of 77% or above, and pass clinical (if a clinical based course) to receive a grade of "C" or higher in each NUR course.

  6. Students will be successful in producing evidence of scholarly work by the end of the program as evidenced by receiving a grade of 77% or above on the Senior Scholarly Paper.

  7. Students will provide evidence of meeting all BSA competencies and program outcomes by the end of program as evidenced by receiving a grade of 77% or above on submitted Senior Portfolios.

  8. Students will successfully achieve the ATI Green Light.

  9. Graduating students will complete the program within five years from initial enrollment (NUR 225 Professional Nursing: Called to Serve - First Nursing Course).

  10. Graduating students will be successful in achieving licensure as an RN as evidenced by successfully completing the NCLEX-RN® examination following graduation from the program.

  11. Graduating students will show employment within 12 months of program completion.


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