4.3a Nurses Christian Fellowship (NCF)

4.3a Nurses Christian Fellowship (NCF)


Nurses Christian Fellowship (www.ncf-jcn.org ), sponsored by InterVarsity, provides a local, regional, national, and international network for Christian nursing. NCF membership will be open to all nurses and nursing students (including pre-nursing). Officers will be volunteers from terms 1/2 or 3/4 and who affirm NCF’s vision and doctrinal basis. All planning and implementation will originate from a committee of officers composed of nursing students. Northwestern’s NCF is officially recognized by Northwestern as a student organization and has a faculty advisor.

NCF is a non-denominational organization that: 1) Equips and mobilizes nurses/nursing students to develop special friendships among peers, 2) promotes spiritual wellness when rendering care, and 3) provides professional networking during conventions and professional meetings. NCF has informal activities with fellowship, prayer, Bible study, and other outreach service and ministry activities.

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