Print Individual Invoice - Aquira

Print Individual Invoice - Aquira

If a client needs an additional copy of an invoice, this guide will walk through the steps required to print an existing invoice.

  1. Navigate to Traffic > Clients

  2. Search for the client needing an invoice

  3. Single-Click on the client name to highlight

  4. Click on the Detail tab

  5. Click on the Account > Transactions tab

  6. Enter a Start Date early enough to capture the invoice needed

    1. You will see all the transactions that occurred for this customer

  7. Single-Click the line of the invoice you need to print

  8. Click the Invoice button

    1. Select “NWM invoice”

  9. After a moment, the invoice will appear

  10. You may print or export the invoice

If the Invoice has already been paid it will show zero due.

If the customer needs to see the original amount due on this invoice, then instead of choosing “NWM Invoice” choose “NWM Invoice- No PrePaid” in Step 8a.


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