Proposed Contract Approval - Aquira

Proposed Contract Approval - Aquira

These steps can only be performed by an Aquira user with Approval level permissions.

This guide will walk you through the steps required to approve a Proposal in Aquira. After initial application setup, we will look at the steps to Approve.

Aquira Proposed Contracts Window Layout

You can set a Default Filter to quickly and easily see the submitted proposals that require your approval. When you navigate to Sales > Proposed Contracts > Advanced Search, you will see at least two system Filters:

  • Require Traffic Approval

  • Require Manager Approval

Check the “Default” box on the right-hand side of the Approval level you desire.

Select a Default Filter view in Aquira

Once that is done, Aquira will automatically filter the view to show Proposals that:

  • Have been Submitted by Sales

  • Have been Approved by Traffic (Require Manager Approval Filter)

  • Require Approval from you

New Default Filter view applied in Aquia


You can also add/remove/re-arrange the columns as you prefer. I recommend adding three fields

  • Description

  • Traffic

  • Manager

To do this, click the “Grid Settings” icon in the upper right, then choose “Hidden Columns.”





This will open a new pane on the right-hand side where you can drag data fields over to the left. You can arrange them in any order.

View Hidden Columns
Available Columns to add

Once you are satisfied with the layout, go back up to “Grid Settings” and select “Save User Grid Settings.”

Save User Grid Settings to save changes

Email Notifications

This requires your Aquira User to have a valid email address and Notifications enabled.

See Recommended User Notification Settings - Aquira for more info.

When a Proposed Contract is ready for your approval, you will receive an email. There is no actionable content within the email, it is simply a notification. You will receive a separate email for each Proposal that is submitted.

If you serve a backup Aquira role and have Approval permission for both Traffic and Manager, note the email subject line AND “Approval Level” field in the email to decide if your action is required.

Sample Manager Approval Required email from Aquira

Proposed Contract Approval

Proposed Contracts require two levels of Approval and then become Active Contracts with Spots on air.

  1. Traffic Approval - Verify Spotlines and Chargelines are entered correctly

  2. Manager Approval - Verify Underwriting Copy and general details

Contract Life Cycle

Aquira Contracts have statuses of:

  1. Unsubmitted - Sales still working with the Client, not in the approval queue

  2. Submitted - The client has approved, waiting for Traffic and/or Manager approval

  3. Accepted - Fully executed contract with live spots and active billing

  4. Rejected - Did not meet Traffic/Manager approval, has not yet been revised by Sales

Traffic Approval

Verify General/Summary details of the Proposal

When you identify the Proposed Contract you’d like to review, simply double-click on it from the Browse list.

Proposed Contract Needing Approval - Double-click to Open

The General tab will show information about the Account and Advertiser and a summary of the Proposal $ amount, Spot count, and Spot Duration.

Proposed Contract General tab

The Summary tab will allow you to see Start/End dates and the breakdown of revenue between Spots and Charges.

Spots Revenue comes from contracts being billed on a PER SPOT basis

Charges Revenue comes from Monthly billing/package rates

Proposed Contract Summary tab

Verify Spotline details of the Proposal

Ensure all Spotlines are complete and accurate.

  1. Spot Classification is appropriate.

    1. Address any Avail warnings, ensuring inventory is available for the Contract.

  2. Spot Duration is appropriate AND matches Media Duration.

  3. Spot placement is accurate and yields the desired number of total Spots.

Verify Chargeline details of the Proposal

Ensure all Chargelines are complete and accurate. Confirm the Proposal is not double-billing PER Spot and FLAT Rate Charges.

Verify Media details of the Proposal

This area will likely require the most attention and additional details. Ensure each Spotline has valid Media attached with appropriate Duration.

As a Traffic Manager, you have the ability to Edit a Proposed Contract to ensure Spots will air and Billing will take place as desired.

Depending on the type and extent you make changes, you may discuss with your Sales Rep if follow-up client approval is needed.

Example: Client does not see the Spot Classification, but they DO see total # of Spots

The client does not see how Media is attached to Proposal, but they DO see the Duration

Contract Follow-Up (Approve/Reject)


When the Proposed Contract has been verified to your satisfaction, Approve by clicking “Contract Follow Up” and “Approve.”

The Proposed Contract is ready to air - Approve

If you serve multiple Approval roles, you will not see “Approve” under “Contract Follow Up”

If you have permission to Approve Proposed Contracts at multiple levels, you must check a box to indicate which level you are Approving. This ensures Proposed Contracts are not prematurely approved across the board.

  1. Be sure you are in “Edit” mode, you can tell by the colored “Cancel / Save” icons.

    Proposed Contract in Edit Mode - Approval Levels
  2. From the Detail > General tab, locate and check the box next to the desired Approval Level.

    “Approved” Traffic Level
  3. Click “Save”


If the Proposed Contract does not meet the requirements to go to air, Reject it by clicking “Contract Follow Up” and “Reject.” This removes the Proposal from the Contract process. If desired, the Underwriter/Sales Rep can revise and resubmit.

The Proposed Contract is not fit for air - Reject


If the Proposed Contract only needs minor revisions, select “Contract Follow Up” and “Revise” and enter the revisions needed in the Description text box. The Underwriter/Sales Rep will be able to make those revisions and submit the proposal again.

The Proposed Contract Requires Minor Revision(s) - Revise

Manager Approval

Proposed Contracts that are approved by Traffic Managers move on to Station Manager Approval.

Verify General/Summary details of the Proposal

When you identify the Proposed Contract you’d like to review, simply double-click on it from the Browse list.

Proposed Contract Needing Approval - Double-click to Open

The General tab will show information about the Account and Advertiser as well as a summary of the Proposal $ amount, Spot count, and Spot Duration.

Proposed Contract General tab

The Summary tab will allow you to see Start/End dates and the breakdown of revenue between Spots and Charges.

Spots Revenue comes from contracts being billed on a PER SPOT basis

Charges Revenue comes from Monthly billing/package rates

Proposed Contract Summary tab

Verify Agreement details of the Proposal

Under the Attributes tab, you will find additional Agreement details for your approval.

Proposed Contract Attributes tab

Verify the Underwriting Copy of the Proposal

Under the Attributes tab is where you will find Underwriting Copy to ensure compliance with FCC underwriting rules.

Proposed Contract Attributes tab

Additional Details

You may review more details about the Proposed Contract under the Spotlines, and Charges tabs. You may also view the signed Contract under the Attachments tab. Double-click to view the PDF.

Digital Signature Attachment on Contract

Contract Follow-Up (Approve/Reject)


When the Proposed Contract has been verified to your satisfaction, Approve by clicking “Contract Follow Up” and “Approve.”

The Proposed Contract is ready to air - Approve

If you serve multiple Approval roles, you will not see “Approve” under “Contract Follow Up”

If you have permission to Approve Proposed Contracts at multiple levels, you must check a box to indicate which level you are Approving. This ensures Proposed Contracts are not prematurely approved across the board.

  1. Be sure you are in “Edit” mode, you can tell by the colored “Cancel / Save” icons.

    Proposed Contract in Edit Mode - Approval Levels
  2. From the Detail > General tab, locate and check the box next to the desired Approval Level.

    “Approved” Traffic Level
  3. Click “Save”


If the Proposed Contract does not meet the requirements to go to air, Reject it by clicking “Contract Follow Up” and “Reject.” This removes the Proposal from the Contract process. If desired, the Underwriter/Sales Rep can revise and resubmit.

The Proposed Contract is not fit for air - Reject


If the Proposed Contract only needs minor revisions, select “Contract Follow Up” and “Revise” and enter the revisions needed in the Description text box. The Underwriter/Sales Rep will be able to make those revisions and submit the proposal again.

The Proposed Contract Requires Minor Revision(s) - Revise

Revise a Rejected Proposal

If a Proposed Contract is marked as “Rejected” during the approval process, it must be “Revised” before it can be modified and submitted again for approval. Locate the Rejected Proposal on the Browse tab, then click over to the “Detail” tab. Click “Contract Follow Up” and select “Revise.” Enter a brief description, select a reason, then click “OK.”

Revise a Rejected Proposal
Give Description & Reason

Video How-To


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