10.3b Clinical Grade

10.3b Clinical Grade

10.3b Clinical Grade

Clinical is graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Student must demonstrate satisfactory clinical performance as described in the Competency Performance Evaluation Tool (CPET) for Clinical, and satisfactorily meet all course requirements to pass the course. In the event a student fails the clinical component, the highest course grade the student may earn is "D". 

In all NUR clinical courses, one grade is reported for this course – the theory grade (if the student earned a satisfactory clinical grade) and a “D” or lower (if the student earned less than a satisfactory clinical grade). The rationale for this decision is that clinical cannot be successfully mastered or demonstrated without the theory-base. It cannot be taught in isolation. Clinical assignments demonstrate understanding and application of theory content/principles. 

All evaluation tools, exams, quizzes, and the like are the property of the School of Nursing. 

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