10.11b Competency-Based Assessment (CBA) Review Policies

10.11b Competency-Based Assessment (CBA) Review Policies


Results of CBAs are distributed no sooner than one week after the exam, or at the discretion of the faculty member. Post-CBA review will be conducted outside of class time in a group setting as a learning opportunity and is optional. Faculty will establish when post-CBA reviews occur. During CBA review, the student may only write on the exam booklet (if a paper/pencil CBA). 

All CBAs will be available in the professor's office for one week immediately following the CBA review.  After that time, students will not have access to the CBAs.  Students should arrange to meet with the professor within one week of the review.  There will be no adjustments in grades after one week.  Final CBAs will not be available for review.

A student wishing to request a review of a CBA item (question) must follow the reconsideration process, as outlined in the CBA Item Reconsideration Process Form. See Appendices, CBA Item Reconsideration Process Form, for more information. The faculty will review any requests for reconsideration. The student will be notified within one week of the decision regarding the request for the reconsideration. At the time of a change to a question(s), any student that is affected by approved change(s), will have points adjusted for that exam (CBA).


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