10.2 Licensure Categories

10.2 Licensure Categories

10.2 Licensure Categories

Minnesota Tier 1 License

Candidates for a Tier 1 license will need a BA degree if teaching in any field other than career and technical education.  The district and teacher apply jointly. This license is good for one year and can be renewed three times.

Minnesota Tier 2 Educator License

Candidates for a Tier 2 license will be trained in other states who are still working on Minnesota-specific requirements for Tiers 3 and 4, have an earned Master’s Degree in a non-Education related field, teachers already in classrooms while currently enrolled in teacher preparation programs, and/or other teachers who have some combination of teaching experience and teacher preparation.  The district and teacher apply jointly. This license is good for two years and can be renewed three times.

Minnesota Tier 3 Educator License

The Tier 3 license is the first license that will be issued to teachers trained in Minnesota teacher preparation programs or in other states that meet Minnesota’s requirements and who have passing scores on content and pedagogy exams.  This license is good for three years and can be renewed indefinitely.

Minnesota Tier 4 Educator License

Requirements for a Tier 4 license include all of the requirements for Tier 3, a minimum of three years of teaching in Minnesota, passing scores on the basic skills exam (or one of the alternatives approved by the board), and evidence that the most recent teacher evaluation did not place the teacher on an improvement plan pursuant to teacher development and evaluation law. This license is good for five years and can be renewed indefinitely.


Each time you apply for a license, you will be charged the licensing fee.  So, if you apply for a Tier 2 license and then later apply for a Tier 3 license, you will pay the licensing fee twice.

Please direct questions about licensure to Dr. Lara Bronson.

Dr. Lara Bronson, Assistant Dean, School of Education

University of Northwestern – St. Paul

3003 Snelling Avenue North

St. Paul, MN  55113

Phone: 651.628.2081

Email: ljbronson@unwsp.edu

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