1.3.5 Program Outcomes
The UNW School of Education’s mission and goals are reflected in the following outcomes for candidates completing its programs. Outcomes that are embedded in Northwestern’s Core Curriculum are identified as a Core Curriculum Outcome (CCO).
Because the School of Education values individuals as made in the image of God, graduates will be able to…
Understand their personal identity and future hope in Christ. (CCO)
Articulate the gifts and abilities given to them and how they align with the education profession.
Demonstrate professional practice that respects and supports all learners.
Articulate a philosophy of teaching that views their work as an inspired calling.
Demonstrate the following dispositional characteristics in relation to calling, learning, teaching and serving:
Because the School of Education values biblical truth and believes truth informs disciplines, graduates will be able to…
Articulate the integration of biblical truth with their chosen field of teaching (CCO)
Apply biblically-based principles to ethical decisions
Articulate an understanding of biblical justice and its relationship to professional practice in the field of teaching
Because the School of Education values excellence in professional practice, graduates will be able to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary for effective practice in the following areas as defined by the Minnesota Standards of Effective Practice. (See Appendix K.)
Subject Matter
Student Learning
Diverse Learners
Instructional Strategies
Learning Environment
Planning Instruction
Reflection and Professional Development
Collaboration, Ethics and Relationships
Because the School of Education values service to diverse communities, graduates will be able to…
Understand the central call of service to others in the life of all Christians. (CCO)
Demonstrate the core biblical concept of servanthood in leadership. (CCO)
Demonstrate caring and respectful relationships that are Christ-like toward learners, families and professional communities.
Demonstrate engagement with professional communities that extend beyond the classroom.
Apply critical thinking to effectively meet the needs of diverse populations.
Demonstrate culturally responsive teaching that supports learning for all students.
Apply concepts of biblical justice to advocate for learners and their communities.
Because the School of Education values the pursuit of knowledge and the role of reflective practice, graduates will be able to…
Demonstrate intellectual curiosity, creativity and pursuit of lifelong learning. (CCO)
Pursue professional and personal growth.
Apply reflective analysis to improve the planning, instruction and assessment of student learning.
Teacher preparation programs at the University of Northwestern – St. Paul are approved by the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB). Consequently, they are designed to meet both the pedagogical standards (Rule 8710.2000) and the appropriate content standards (Rules 8710.2000-8710.8080) for preparation programs leading to teacher licensure in the state of Minnesota.