5.1 Co-Teaching Models

5.1 Co-Teaching Models

You may be in a field experience in a school district during your teacher preparation where the co-teaching model of instruction is used. In these experiences, you may have the opportunity to serve as a co-teacher in the classroom, working alongside your cooperating teacher.

Co-Teaching Strategies and Examples

Co-teaching is defined as “two teachers (the cooperating teacher and the teacher candidate) working together with groups of students, sharing the planning, organization, delivery and assessment of instruction as well as the physical space.” It provides a rigorous yet supportive experience for teacher candidates, allows cooperating teachers to remain actively engaged in the classroom, and enhances the quality of learning for P12 students. (Heck & Bacharach 2010).

There are seven models of co-teaching:



One Teach, One Observe

One teacher has primary responsibility while the other gathers specific observational information on students or the (instructing) teacher. The key to this strategy is to focus the observation – where the teacher doing the observation is observing specific behaviors.

Example: One teacher can observe students for their understanding of directions while the other leads.

One Teach, One Assist

An extension of One Teach, One Observe.   One teacher has primary instructional responsibility while the other assists students with their work, monitors behaviors, or corrects assignments.

Example: While one teacher has the instructional lead, the person assisting can be the “voice” for the students when they don’t understand or are having difficulties.

Station Teaching

The co-teaching pair divides the instructional content into parts – Each teacher instructs one of the groups, groups then rotate or spend a designated amount of time at each station – often an independent station will be used along with the teacher led stations.

Example: One teacher might lead a station where the students play a money math game and the other teacher could have a mock store where the students purchase items and make change.

Parallel Teaching

Each teacher instructs half the students. The two teachers are addressing the same instructional material and presenting the material using the same teaching strategy. The greatest benefit to this approach is the reduction of student to teacher ratio.

Example: Both teachers are leading a question and answer discussion on specific current events and the impact they have on our economy.

Supplemental Teaching

This strategy allows one teacher to work with students at their expected grade level, while the other teacher works with those students who need the information and/or materials retaught, extended or remediated.

Example: One teacher may work with students who need reteaching of a concept while the other teacher works with the rest of the students on enrichment.

Alternative (Differentiated)

Alternative teaching strategies provide two different approaches to teaching the same information. The learning outcome is the same for all students however the avenue for getting there is different.

Example: One instructor may lead a group in predicting prior to reading by looking at the cover of the book and the illustrations, etc. The other instructor accomplishes the same outcome but with his/her group, the students predict by connecting the items pulled out of the bag with the story.

Team Teaching

Well planned, team taught lessons, exhibit an invisible flow of instruction with no prescribed division of authority. Using a team teaching strategy, both teachers are actively involved in the lesson. From a students’ perspective, there is no clearly defined leader – as both teachers share the instruction, are free to interject information, and available to assist students and answer questions.

Example: Both instructors can share the reading of a story or text so that the students are hearing two voices.


Permission has been granted to the University of Northwestern – St. Paul from the Academy for Co-Teaching and Collaboration at St. Cloud State University for use of this co-teaching information and the following co--teaching lesson plan templates.


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