8.1 Admittance Testing Requirements
According to the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB) requirements, all students must take essential academic skills examinations, content and pedagogy exams prior to being eligible for a Tier 4 Minnesota teaching license. All students applying for admittance into the School of Education Teacher Education Program are recommended, but not required to successfully complete essential academic skills examinations. A passing score in all three sections of the exam are required before being fully admitted into the School of Education. These include qualifying scores from one of the following standardized exams:
Minnesota National Evaluation Series Essential Academic Skills (MN NES EAS) - Reading > 520; Writing > 520; Mathematics > 520
ACT Plus Writing – Composite score > 22 and Combined English/Writing > 21
SAT – Reading + Writing > 550 and Mathematics > 570
Only official test score reports will be accepted and it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that an official score report is sent to UNW School of Education.