5.2 Human Relations Requirements
The Human Relations component must be completed by the semester preceding student teaching. To complete the Human Relations component, all education majors must meet the following requirements:
Human Relations – Part I
Enroll in and successfully complete the course, EDU3209 Human Relations in a Cross-Culturally Diverse World and the related lab: EDU3209L Human Relations Lab: Part I – Diverse Classroom Field Experience (30 hours).
The course EDU3209 Human Relations in a Cross-Culturally Diverse World is designed to develop an understanding of the contributions and lifestyles of the various racial, cultural and economic groups in American society with emphasis on respect for human diversity and personal rights. Emphasis is on the translation of human relations knowledge into the creation of effective learning experiences and environments which contribute to the self-esteem of all persons and to positive interpersonal relations while avoiding dehumanizing biases, discrimination and prejudice in American education. Pre-student teaching is required.
Enroll in and successfully complete EDU3218 Educating Diverse Learners K-12 or EDU3248 Educating Diverse Learners PK-8 and the related lab: EDU3218L or EDU3248L. The 10 hours of field experience required for this lab is completed concurrently with EDU3209L Human Relations Lab (Part I) for a total of 30 hours of classroom experience
Human Relations – Part II
Successfully complete EDU3209L Part II - Diverse Non-Classroom Field Experience (30 hours)
Part II - Diverse Non-Classroom Field Experience provides direct involvement with an ethnic or cultural group other than the student’s own within the continental United States. The service opportunities allow participants to develop an understanding and respect for cultural differences. Thirty contact hours are required.