Month-End Procedure - Traffic - Aquira

Month-End Procedure - Traffic - Aquira

With each new calendar month, Traffic managers must complete a few tasks to close the previous calendar month. This guide will walk you through those steps.


Traffic Log Reconciliations

  1. Navigate to Traffic > Reconciliations.

  2. Start Date/End Date - Select the First and Last day of the month you will be closing.

  3. Stations - Use the dropdown arrow to select your station.

  4. Check the box to “Exclude Zero Unreconciled Spots.”

You should see Zero results in the window. Empty is Good!

Complete Reconciliation Window

If you have dates with unreconciled spots, follow FUTURE GUIDE to complete the reconciliation process.

Unreconciled Spots Will NOT Be Invoiced

Reconciliation Window showing dates with Unreconciled Spots

Post Invoices

Once the reconciliations are completed, navigate to Accounts Receivable > Invoices.

  1. Post Date - Select the last day of the previous calendar month. I.e. July 31st is the Post Date for July, August 31st is the post date for August, etc.

If you get a pop-up “… Spot that are not reconciled…” double-check your station logs to ensure all Spots are reconciled. It may be another Station’s data causing the pop-up, always best to be sure!

  1. Verify all Invoices look correct, then click “Select” to mark all Invoices for Posting. This will place a check box in the “Post” column of each invoice.

    1. If you need to hold off on posting an invoice, you can uncheck the “Post” box to deselect it.

  2. Once you are satisfied with all invoices marked for Posting, Click “Post Invoices.”

You will see a pop-up message confirming the number of invoices you are going to post. Click “Yes”. (Or click “No” if you need to change something)

After posting, another pop-up will confirm.

Save a Master Invoice PDF

The first time you invoice, you will want to copy a few pre configured Filters. Take a moment to do that step now. Report Filters - Aquira

Navigate to Reports > Reports.

  1. Under Invoices, click “NWM Invoice” once to highlight.

  1. Click over to the “Filter” tab.

  1. In the list of Filters, double click to edit your stations Invoices_ALL (PDF Emailed/$0 included)

    1. This will select all invoices for your station for the month including those that you later email and any that have a $0 balance.

After you double-click, there are filter options on the left.

  1. Company Name - Ensure that YOUR station name is showing. If you notice another station is listed, you likely selected the wrong Filter in the last step.

  2. Transaction Post Date - Ensure this matches the date you posted the invoices 7/31/2023, 8/31/2023, etc.

Click the “Run” icon on the right.

After a few moments, you will receive a pop-up. You can click “Yes.”

Data will populate to reflect invoices.

It’s important to save the “Master” file in the event you need to reprint an original. You will not be able to print an original once payments or future adjustments are applied to an account.

Print Invoices for Mailing

Navigate to Reports > Reports.

  1. Under Invoices, click “NWM Invoice” once to highlight.

  1. Click over to the “Filter” tab.

  1. In the list of Filters, double click your stations Invoices_PRINT (NO Email/NO $0)

    1. This will select invoices for your station for the month that you will print and mail, excluding any that have a $0 balance.

After you double-click, there are filter options on the left.

  1. Company Name - Ensure that YOUR station name is showing. If you notice another station is listed, you likely selected the wrong Filter in the last step.

  2. Transaction Post Date - Ensure this matches the date you posted the invoices 7/31/2023, 8/31/2023, etc.

  3. Exclude Email Reports - Leave CHECKED.

  4. Suppress Zero Rows - Leave CHECKED.

Click the “Run” icon on the right.

After a few moments, you will receive a pop-up. You can click “Yes.”

Data will populate to reflect invoices.

Generate Email Invoices

Navigate to Reports > Reports.

  1. Under Invoices, click “NWM Invoice” once to highlight.

  1. Click over to the “Filter” tab.

  1. In the list of Filters, double click your stations Invoices_EMAIL (NO $0)

    1. This will select invoices for your station for the month to be emailed, excluding any that have a $0 balance.

After you double-click, there are filter options on the left.

  1. Company Name - Ensure that YOUR station name is showing. If you notice another station is listed, you likely selected the wrong Filter in the last step.

  2. Transaction Post Date - Ensure this matches the date you posted the invoices 7/31/2023, 8/31/2023, etc.

  3. Suppress Zero Rows - Leave CHECKED.

  4. Click “Save.”

Click back to the “Browse” tab.

  1. Single-click “NWM Invoice” to highlight.

  2. Press the “+” key on your keyboard to add a row.

  3. Click the drop-down arrow and select your stations *Invoices_EMAIL (NO $0)

  4. Once that Filter is selected, click “Email” on the right-hand side of the screen.

This message will appear to ask if you wish to continue and email the invoices. Click Yes when you are ready.

A new window lets you know the file is in queue.

Under Reports Email Report Status, you will see what has sent. Emails run slow (about 1 per minute once they are in the queue), so you will need to have some patience.


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