Access Tk20
Direct link
Log in with your username and password the same as theROCK
View the Portfolio
- Click the Portfolios tab on the left side and then select the link for the portfolio you wish to open.
- You will see the following tabs within the portfolio:
- <Portfolio Name> - This tab shows the name of the course to which the binder is tied, the binder's due date, and instructions for completing the binder.
- Tabs: Each tab contains directions explaining what artifact templates must be created and Licensure program portfolios contain tabs of 10 (Standards of Effective Practice (SEP) Standards.
- Assessments: This tab allows you to view the assessment instrument(s) the assessors will use to evaluate your
- Standards: This tab allows you to view the standards aligned with the portfolio
Once you view the portfolio details and understand what is required, you are ready to begin attaching your artifacts.
There are two different templates for program portfolio artifacts in Tk20. One is for students to upload new files to Tk20 and add rationale statement and reflection. The other is for students to use existing artifacts already uploaded in Tk20 for different courses and add rationale statement and reflection.
Template #1: Uploading a file to create a portfolio artifact
Step 1: Create a New Artifact
Step 2: Upload a file or multiple files for the artifact
Template 2: Using a previous assignment in Tk20 and add reflection
Step 1: Selecting an assignment as an existing artifact
Step 2: Add reflection
Step 3: Add standards